Bay to Breakers

Last Sunday I participated in my very first Bay to Breakers. When my friend Jigna told me to participate with her, the first thing I asked her was what costume was she going to wear. When I think of Bay to Breakers I think of the costume first, the race second. Actually, costume first, then drinking, naked people, illegal substances, then the race. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to dress up as, but I knew I had to wear a costume. First I thought of wearing my old pirate costume since its comfortable and looks like its easy to run in. I’m not sure how the idea of becoming the Statue of Liberty came about apart from the fact that I have a sari that matches the color of the monument. I thought it made sense to run across San Francisco in a sari and bindi as the Indian/Canadian version of Lady Liberty. Of course, this idea was shot down by my family. It would be sacrilegious to destroy a sari that way.

Sari blouse that has that greenish/teal color that matches the Statue of Liberty. On top of the blouse is a piece of foam which is supposed to be the tablet Lady Liberty holds.

I ended up going to my favorite fabric shop and crafts store to buy supplies. They had pieces of foam for 89 cents at Michael’s which were the perfect shade of teal. I bought face paint as well, white and green. I was going to mix the two colors together to create a teal shade. I wanted to paint my entire face and arms, but unfortunately, the day of the race my alarm didn’t go off and I didn’t have time to put it on. I also forgot to wear a teal bindi.

Paper plate, hot glue and teal foam was used to create the crown

I wanted a place to carry my water bottle, so I decided the perfect place to store water was inside the torch. This was a bad idea, since I ended up carrying the torch pretty up in the air for 95% of the race, and the water bottle inside was full of water. Silver lining: It was a great workout for my right arm?

Water bottle inside torch. This was a bad idea.

I found this beautiful sparkly teal color fabric. I wanted to just cut a hole in the middle of the fabric, stick my head through it, tie a string around my waist, and call it a day. My mother had other ideas. I wasn’t going to waste $6/yard fabric like that. After a conference call with my grandmother in Canada, she figured out how to make a stola, which is the roman dress the Statue of Liberty wears.

My mother pulled out her sewing machine and under 4 hours made this – *note* she’s not a professional! And the fabric was very stretchy. If I had bought cotton fabric it wouldn’t have taken her so long to add sleeves, and the draping.

Finished product - thanks mom!
Finished product – thanks mom!

It was a lot of fun wearing this costume, especially hearing the little kids shout out “Statue of Liberty!”. The sunglasses, which I bought from Target, lit up. Unfortunately, they stopped working midway through the race and then after the race began to work again. The color from the bracelets I wore, which were only a dollar, ran into my skin. No bueno.

I enjoyed seeing all the costumes – I wish I had taken more photos. Here’s video of my favorite part of the race – Hayes Street. This is party central, people had speakers out of their houses, people were dancing, and in this video, there’s a dude throwing beads out the window, like New Orleans Mardi Gras minus the flashing. Jigna was able to catch two necklaces for us.

My least favorite part of the race was all the old naked men running around. I wasn’t actively looking for them, but you would end up turning your head one way and you’d see something you could never un-see. Also, since anyone can walk/run the whole course without paying the entry fee, it made me wonder why I had paid for a bib. Anyone who made it to the end of the course got medals. It cost me $70 for a bib, and it looks like that $70 was used to cover all the extra medals that were being handed out.

Since my dress needed to be hemmed, I just walked the whole race route. After attending Levi’s Stadium and seeing how strict they were with security, I didn’t bring a backpack for Bay to Breakers. I did this because the race rules stated you couldn’t bring backpacks, and that they would be thoroughly checked. This is completely false. There are so many people going onto the race course and there is basically no security checking bags. They probably made this rule due to the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon but no one enforces the no backpack rule. I wish I had brought a fanny pack or tiny knapsack so I could have kept my cellphone, costume accessories and other personal belongings in there.

A photo journalist stopped me for a picture – I’m amazed the paper plate crown survived the whole course of the race. I ended up taking apart the crown, and removed one of the paper plates attached to it. First I have the points stapled onto the paper plate. Then I have a layer of foam on the back and the front of that paper plate glued on, instead of having an additional piece of paper plate in between the front layer.  I need to punch two holes on the side of the crown, and then add a piece of yarn. This will make it much easier to keep the crown attached to my head since I will be able to tie the crown around the back of my head.

Final cost:

  • $33 for 5.5 yards of fabric
  • $5.34 for 6 pieces of foam
  • $1.99 for thick piece of foam
  • $3.00 for USA themed sunglasses
  • $2.00 for USA themed jewelry made in China
  • Seeing old naked men covered in sparkles … priceless

Seriously through, final cost just for the costume was $45.33. And another $70 for the bib (at least the money went to charity). And another $11.90 for Bart transport. I can go on, but I won’t. The day definitely was priceless and I met some very nice people.

I’m hoping to wear this costume again for Halloween. Or even in Vancouver when I go to the Women’s World Cup. Hopefully the US is in the final.

Worst Concert Ever

I’m not a fan of country music. The only country musician I ever liked was Shania Twain, and she was really big back in the 90s and 00s. Despite not liking country, when my friend told me she had a spare ticket for the Kenny Chesney and Jason Aldean concert I decided to take her up on the offer.  My main reason to go was to check out Levi’s Stadium. It’s a completely brand new state of the art stadium so I wanted to check it out it while it was still shiny and brand new.  Also, its always great to hang out with my friend Rebecca, so that was another reason to take her up on her offer. And so thus, on Saturday May 2, 2015, I preceded to attend the worst concert of all time.

Beautiful stadium – easy on the eyes, not so much the ears

Of course, people who know me are going to first think that the reason I disliked the show so much is that I’m not a country music fan. Or that I’m a wannabe hipster and just need to irrationally hate something, like how I tried to hate Taylor Swift but can’t since her music is just too damn catchy. Or that the parking at Levi’s is horrendous, and/or there shouldn’t even be a stadium in Santa Clara, especially in the middle of nowhere, et cetera, et cetera. No, these are not the reasons why I hated this show so much. I appreciate when an artist puts on a great show and I believe I’m open to all types of music. I had never really thought much about bluegrass music until I attended the Blue Grass Festival in San Francisco (again with Rebecca) and I thoroughly enjoyed the music there. If an artist is giving their all out on stage, there will surely be something that I’ll like. I love live music, but from what I could tell from the Chesney show, the main acts lip synched their songs. That wasn’t even the worst part – I mean, I’ve attended a Lady Gaga concert and I’m pretty sure she was lip synching but at least she had tons of costume changes, a ton of energy and played the piano partially. I didn’t dislike the Kenny Chesney show because he didn’t’ change his outfit. I don’t need to be distracted by costume changes to enjoy a concert. Chesney sure does run around the stage a lot. I respect that. He’s getting his cardio workout on. That certainly didn’t make me hate the show. No, the biggest problem about this concert was that I could not understand the lyrics. This is not because I’ve attended so many concerts up front that I’ve gone partially deaf or senile (or at least I hope not, that’s something I’ll have to get checked out at the next doctor visit), no its because the sound was horrendous. I could not, nor anyone in my section, understand the lyrics because the sound quality was so disastrously poor. I’ve never heard such poor sound. And this is coming from a Punjabi girl whose attended multiple Indian wedding receptions where the DJ plays music so loud that you think your heart is palpitating. In fact, your heart IS probably palpitating, but at least you can make out the lyrics, eat some tandoori with a shot of rum and whiskey to recover, and go back to getting your groove on.

I’m not even sure how to describe the sound quality. It was just loud, bounced off the walls, created a lot of echos. When I’m up front at a show I usually wear ear plugs. Since I knew we were seated so far away, I didn’t even think about bringing them. Big mistake.  Maybe I’m just inexperienced on how a NFL stadium concert should sound like, but I incorrectly assumed that the noise in the upper section could not possibly be that loud. It was so bad that I felt like all the blood was rushing to my ear. I’ve attended concerts upfront where giant speakers are in front of me – ex. The Treasure Island Music Festival. You bet I wore ear plugs for that. Despite being in front of such powerful speakers, I could still make out the music. For the inaugural concert at Levi’s,  the sheer noise , and please note, it sounded like noise not music, seemed like it could be used as a torture device. It didn’t help that I had just attended probably the best concert in terms of sound at the Greek Theater in Berkeley. And I say that despite the bias that one of my favorite bands, Alt-J was playing there. No, the sound quality was amazing. It was so good that I would love to attend more shows at the Greek just to experience great live music. Here are some snippets of video I made showing how great the sound really is at that venue.

I don’t want to leave an impression that the day was a complete fail. It wasn’t! I got to hang out with my dear friend. They had random fireworks go off during the Jason Aldean show. I learned just how narrow the aisles are – safety first people! The girl in front of me fall down a row, and I’ve never seen that happen before. I figured out where to park my car for any future Levi shows to beat the traffic. I also learned how important it is to follow the security rules at the stadium, which are as follows:

  • In compliance with the NFL’s Bag Policy, Levi’s® Stadium prohibits all bags, backpacks and other carriers from being brought into the stadium with the following exceptions:
  • NFL approved clear plastic bags (12” x 6” x 12”)
  • One gallon clear plastic zip lock type bags
  • Small Clutch Bag (the size of an adult hand) (4.5” x 6.5”)

Rebecca had brought a clear plastic bag and she was almost turned away. Not sure if the bag was slightly too big, or if the security guards at Levi’s still need some training on this rule. I would recommend that if you do go to Levi’s, make sure you download their handy app, where you can order food/drinks to your seat. Also, the lines at the bathrooms are horrendous – the Levi’s app will show you what the bathroom situation is like, so you can judge when you should take a break to the loo.

There are many great things about Levi’s. Not so much about the particular concert I went to. Here’s hoping the venue figures out the sound quality for the Vance Joy and Taylor Swift show coming up in August. I was thinking about getting tickets for that show, but after attending the Chesney/Aldean Tour, I’d rather not.

Biryani Mix

I love biryani. I love it so much that I learned how to make it by following the recipes for chicken and vegetable biryani from the Vah Chef youtube videos. The guy is a little crazy, but he’s very passionate about cooking so its fun to watch his videos and you learn a ton of cooking tricks. In his vegetable biryani video Chef Vah suggests people use store bought masala. Instead of buying store bought masala I create my own biryani mix using the spices in my kitchen. The biryani mix I use is also from the Vah Chef, specifically from his chicken biryani video, but its adjusted for my family’s liking. For example, I don’t use that much red chile in my mix, since my family does not like spicy food. I use this biryani mix for both chicken and vegetable biryani. To save time, I made a mix of all the spices I need and bottle it up ahead of time,  instead of making the biryani mix the day of. Here are the spices that need to be ground:

  • 3 Bay Leaves
  • 3 pieces of Star Anise
  • 6 Black Pepper Corns
  • 1 stick of Cinnamon
  • 6 Green Cardamoms
  • 4 Cloves
  • 2 pieces of Mace
  • 1 tsp of lichen/kalpasi
  • 1 tsp of shahi jeera

I use the Magic Bullet to grind these spices. Once these spices have been ground, I throw them into a bottle and then add the following spices:

  • 1 tbsp Coriander
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • 2 tsp Chile powder – Vah Chef puts 2 tbsp of Chile powder, I only put 2 tsp!
  • 1 tbsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Tumeric

Mix up all the spices, and voila, you have biryani mix ready for the next time you want to make a biryani. This is good for one biryani – I usually make 3x the amount to save time.

The Beginning

I’ve always wanted to create my own webpage as a creative outlet. When I was in high school my family forced me to take an intro to computer science class. The class had a 26:4 boy to girl ratio, and all the boys already knew a bit of programming. In the middle of the school year our teacher had to go back to India for reasons unknown, so we had a substitute teacher. That teacher did not give a flying hoot what we learned, so he had us build our own webpages instead of learning programming. Mind you, this was back in ’99 so we all thought we were highly sophisticated teenagers creating these amazing webpages. Mine was about the Canadian pairs skaters Jamie Sale and David Pelletier – this was all before SkateGate , and I never showed the web page publicly, but I was quite proud of what I had created.

Jamie Sale and David Pelletier performing their Long Program “Love Story”. Photo Credit Timothy A. Clary/Getty Images

Anywho, I’ve gone off on a tangent. I’ve had a lot of free time, so I finally went about and bought a domain and host package from godaddy. I’m not really sure what I’ll do with this site – maybe I’ll post pictures from trips, cooking recipes, my progress in ice skating and Portuguese, who knows. As long as I’m enjoying and learning while working on this site, I’ll keep at it.

Random Ramblings from a Singh